Tea Research Foundation of Central Africa has a policy to collaborate with
local and international research and other organizations. The objective is
to enhance exchange of scientific information, plant germplasm, scientific
manpower and publications with other institutions and partner organizations,
and share other amenities like analytical services and conduct joint
research/experiments. Such activities can improve the TRFCA's capacity
to conduct its research.Below are some of the partner institutions that
TRFCA collaborates with:

Tea Research Institutes

Tea Research Institute of Tanzania
Tea Research Institute Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Tea Companies/Associations

Tea Association of Malawi
Lujeri Tea Estates Ltd 
Eastern Produce Malawi
Dhunseri (Makandi & Kawalazi)
Satemwa Tea Estates Ltd
Kothari Group (Naming’omba)
Conforzi Plantations Ltd

Other Collaborators

Southern Africa Biochemistry and Informatics for Natural Products Network (SABINA)
Forestry Research Institute of Malawi
Dept. of Meteorological Services and Climate Change - Malawi

15 km from Mulanje Boma, Along Muloza Boarder Road-Mimosa
+265 995 187 588 | +265 881 955 037 |
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